Citizen’s Advice East Herts – Here to help
Since 23 March, we have helped 2,396 clients – 36% more than the same time period last year – with advice on a range of issues. Employment continues to be the top issue for clients, with advice needed on furlough and redundancy etc. We are also continuing to help with practical support such as Foodbank referrals and local community links and are working with East Herts Police and other local Citizens Advice to raise awareness of Covid-related scams.
Whilst some restrictions have lifted, we have decided to continue to give advice from home for the time being– many of our volunteers are vulnerable/have caring responsibilities and most of our offices do not easily allow for social distancing. We are exploring how we can add in some element of a physical advice service, with the necessary protections in place. In the meantime, we would take this opportunity to remind you of our access options, as set out in the attached flyer. Our website and social media are also useful reference points for latest information.
We are working closely with partners to look at how we can best meet client need post Covid. As government support starts to reduce, we are expecting an increased need for help with debt, money advice, employment and housing and trying raise funds to resource more specialist support in these areas (as well as cover the costs of home working). Further details are on our website at
Head of Communications