Entries by Clerk

Electrical Fire Safety Week 2025

Electrical Safety First is a campaigning charity that aims to reduce deaths and injuries caused by electricity in UK homes. We do this by working closely with Government, the electrical industry, manufacturers, retailers and consumer safety organisations to improve safety regulation and standards. The current campaign for Electrical Fire Safety Week 2025 is raising awareness about the fire risks associated with using white goods.

Do Cottered and Throcking have any important views that need protecting?

The council is looking to establish whether there are any ‘views’ within the parish which should be featured in the neighbourhood plan as ‘protected views’.  The Buntingford Community Area Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here:

Examples of ‘protected views’ are shown on pages 70-71 and are identified as important in retaining the particular characteristics of an area.

Back Lane – PTRO Review: Byway Open to All Traffic: Great Munden 028, Cottered 020 and 047

Rights of way – Permanent traffic regulation orders (PTRO) review

Permanent traffic regulation orders (PTROs) affect how publicly accessible footpaths, bridleways and byways can be used.

Herts County Council is seeking your comments about these PTROs to help understand if they’re still fit for purpose.

Review closing date: 31 October 2024 (11.45pm)




Come and meet officers from your local Neighbourhood Policing Team!

WHEN: 2:00pm – 2:45pm

Friday 9th August 2024

WHERE: Cottered Village Hall Car Park, Cottered SG9 9QR

Giving local residents & businesses an opportunity to discuss what you think our latest policing priority should be for the East Herts Rural community.

– Discuss any local concerns that you may have

Damage to stakes and planting on the village green

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Considerable damage has been done to the new planting which was designed to protect and preserve village green spaces from further erosion. Town and village greens (TVGs) are protected by legislation and it is an offence to cause damage to a village green. The damage has been reported to the Police. Please report incidents of damage to the greens: https://www.herts.police.uk

D-DAY 80 beacon lighting at 9.15pm, 6 June 2024

Cottered’s Beacon will burn brightly at 9.15 pm outside the village hall on Thursday 6th June 2024 in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day – the first day of the Normandy Landings. Don’t miss this opportunity to commemorate this significant time in World War II, in which many lives were lost.
Cottered’s bells will ring out at 6.30 pm on the same evening,