Vacancy for Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Vacancy for Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
Cottered and Throcking Parish Council are seeking to recruit an energetic and self-motivated individual for the role of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) to the Council.
The role is Part Time (29 hours per month) working flexibly from home
and including some evening work.
Salary (Local Government Association [LGA] Pay Scales) Scale Point 18 £14.21 per hour.
The Clerk has the responsibility to:
- Advise, provide information and ensure the Council is acting lawfully
- Deal with the Council’s day to day administration including; correspondence, updating website, maintaining and updating Council records, receiving and processing planning applications and monitoring and updating Council policies
- Prepare and publish agendas for Council meetings, recording minutes and ensuring decisions are implemented
- Manage Council resources and assets (as appropriate)
The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) has the responsibility to:
- Adhere to proper practices with regard to accounting and audit regulations
- Make payments and keep accounting records up to date
- Prepare budgets
- Complete a VAT return
- Complete the end of year Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
- Liaise with the Internal Auditor and External Auditor
Good communication and sound IT skills are vital as is being responsible for own training needs and updating by attending courses offered by the Hertfordshire Association of Parish and Town Councils (HAPTC) and that provided by other bodies.
If not already qualified the Council will encourage and fund the Clerk and RFO to obtain the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CilCA) within a reasonable period.
If you are interested in applying for the role please contact: