East Herts Council’s grants programme – now open
Call for projects that strengthen the community (Up to £8,000 available)
East Herts Council is looking for projects that strengthen the community and lead to improved health and wellbeing of residents. The next funding round opens today with a closing date of the 3 May 2021. Our priorities this year are
- Health for all
- Community issues, including engaging and consulting
- Arts and cultural activities that increase residents’ wellbeing
- Environmentally sustainable and accessible community buildings and green spaces
We are especially interested in projects that benefit people in areas of disadvantage, from different backgrounds and those with protected characteristics. Faith groups are welcome to apply for projects that benefit the wider community. We are keen to fund a diverse range of projects all over East Herts.
Check eligibility and apply online Funding for Community Organisations Past projects include a community garden, training for volunteers, Parkinsons Support Group, arts and crafts outreach, expansion of a lunch club, Men’s Shed projects, play and sports development projects and improvements to a bowls club and village hall.
Contact Grants Manager Claire on before applying. You are also invited to attend an online Grants Advice and Information Workshop on 8 April at 10am. Reserve a space by emailing Claire.